Rules & Regulations For The Teachers

  • Teachers should report for duty one or two days before the opening of school in order to become adjusted in time to begin work promptly at the time for the opening of the schools.
  • All teachers should report for duty on teaching days in time to begin school promptly. It is a violation of the Hilton Matriculation Higher Secondary School Board rules for a teacher to be late to work. Tardiness to work without a valid excuse is considered willful neglect of duty. Every teacher should have available a timepiece of some kind in order to open school on time and follow accurately the time schedule of the school.
  • Correcting and marking papers should be delayed until after school hours, except when correcting and marking papers is correlated with classroom work.
  • The school officials of Hilton Matriculation Higher Secondary have placed emphasis on the proper care of school property. Constant effort in caring for the property on the part of school officials, teachers janitors, and children should be reflected in the appearance of the buildings and grounds. There should be no carelessness or negligence. Closely related to the emphasis placed on the care of school property should be an effort to make classrooms attractive and homelike.
  • Teachers shall see that furniture, apparatus, maps, books, and other equipment of the school is not defaced or injured; they shall, upon discovery of any injury to school property, report the same to the principals who shall require replacement or payment in full for the same.
  • Teachers will be held responsible for the discipline of their respective classrooms, except in extreme cases, as it weakens a teacher's power of control to constantly send pupils to the principal in ordinary cases of misconduct.
  • Teachers will be held responsible for the discipline of their respective classrooms, except in extreme cases, as it weakens a teacher's power of control to constantly send pupils to the principal in ordinary cases of misconduct.
  • Teachers will be submitting their mobile phones to the front office in the morning and can take it back by evening.
  • Teachers may retain pupils, other than those transported in school buses, after the close of the school day for a period not to exceed one hour for purpose of punishment. Bus pupils may be retained during recesses, but under no circumstances should any pupil be made to miss lunch as a punishment.
  • Teachers are prohibited from visiting each other during school hours; from going into departments in which they are not employed; and from engaging in other work not pertaining to school duties during school hours.
  • Teachers shall not leave their classrooms except in cases of emergency or unless it is absolutely necessary to leave and then after a monitor has been appointed.
  • Teachers shall attend all regular and special meetings authorized by the Immediate Supervisor or Supervisor, and no excuse for absence shall be accepted other than a reason that would justify absence from a regular day of school. Attendance is mandatory at all faculty meetings set by the Principal.
  • Below is a list of suggestions that are of interest and will prove helpful to every teacher or other School Board employee if followed:
    • Become acquainted with parents.
    • Live in the community where you teach.
    • Refrain from gossiping.
    • Your personal conduct should be above reproach.
    • Your school work should be done in satisfactory manner; however, you should budget some time for extra school activities.
    • Become acquainted with the home life of your students --make home visits, be active in Parent-Teacher Association's affairs and other activities of parents, pupils and teachers.
    • Do not criticize adversely the pupils, school personnel, or the school.
    • Be tactful and understanding with children, co-workers, parents and school patrons.
    • If children and others do not live up to your standards, do not be angry or disturbed. Study their environment and opportunities and be sorry for their condition. Do everything you can to help them.
    • The teacher should accept the Immediate Supervisor's suggestions, responsibility given, and assist him when requested.
    • The teacher should feel secure and free to express to the Immediate Supervisor his or her own ideas and opinions in matters for the betterment of the school system.
  • Each teacher shall prepare and post in a conspicuous place in the classroom a copy of the daily schedule.
  • Teachers whose classes are dismissed before the regular closing hour shall perform such duties during the remainder of the school day as the principal may direct. Primary teachers, as well as other teachers in the school system shall remain at the school building until the closing hour.
  • When visitors enter the classrooms, the teacher is expected to receive them courteously but to continue with the work at hand as if no one other than the teacher and pupils were present.
  • Teachers should attend to the physical education and comfort of the pupils under their care. The physical education period should be a learning period as well as a period of participation in traditional group games.
  • Teachers are required to furnish promptly to the principal at the close of the school session, all reports, books, and records, neatly and accurately made up.
  • While no effort will be made to restrict the social activities of teachers, they should, while connected with the public schools, devote their time and attention to the interests of the school, and shall not allow social, business or home duties to interfere with their daily preparation for classroom work.